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Mother Baby Bonding


We have all the information you need right here!

Our Breastfeeding Guide, From the First Latch to the Last Drop, is a complete guide from how your breastmilk is made to common challenges that can arise, all the way through the process of weaning! 


Breastfeeding is certainly natural but does not feel that way most of the time. 


There is so much to learn, and in this wholesome guide we help you answer questions such as

  • How much you should be feeding your baby?

  • How often should you be feeding baby?

  • How do you know if your baby is getting the right amount of milk?


And many other common questions just like these.


With the help of Leora Robles, a BS, IBCLC, and the founder of The Breastfeeding Center of Orange County, we have created this guide to support you and your little one's breastfeeding relationship from the start. From 2 breastfeeding mamas, we understand the emotions and struggles that come with this journey and we are here to walk you through from that first latch to that last drop!

Ready to feel the stress start to roll away? We are here to guide you.

  • Are you an expecting mama?

  • Are you brand new to the breastfeeding world?

  • Have you been breastfeeding for a little while, but feel like there is still so much more to know? I am sure you have unanswered questions or need some tips & tricks??

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Breastfeeding A through Z

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In This Guide We Cover: 

Benefits for breastfeeding

How is breastmilk made & baby’s first milk

When to hand express

Maintaining breastmilk supply

Breastfeeding positions & latch

How often does baby need to eat?

Should I wake a sleeping baby?

Dropping Feedings

How do I know my baby is getting enough?


Increasing supply

Introducing bottles

Tips, Tricks, Common Struggles


Finding Help

Our favorite products for Breastfeeding

You may qualify for FREE lactation consultations with Leora Robles, IBCLC and The Breastfeeding Center of Orange County!


Click here to see if your Insurance will cover the cost!


Not covered through Insurance but still want support?


The $90, NEW CLIENT ONLY, bundle includes:

This Breastfeeding Guide: From the First Latch to the Last Drop


A 60 minute Virtual Lactation Consultation with The Breastfeeding Center of Orange County.

Savings of $60! (Regular price is $25 for the guide and $125 for the 60 minute Virtual consultation. Must be a NEW client of The Breastfeeding Center of Orange County. Consult good for 12 months from purchase date).



We got you!

As natural as breastfeeding is, it certainly does not feel that way for most of us. 


The learning curve is steep, but with the adequate support and knowledge you will become a master and achieve your breastfeeding goals!  

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“Such a comprehensive and easy to follow guide!

absolutely loved it and learned so much as a new mother. It is very easy to follow and a great resource for all moms-whether you need to learn as a newbie or want a refresher as an existing mom.

Melissa Ronnie

About the Authors

After having my first child in 2018 I started MamaGuide, a creative outlet to help new mothers transition into motherhood. I quickly learned that adapting to motherhood and the wealth of advice that came along with it, was not one size fits all. This made me want to create a platform that could connect and help mothers around the world. 


An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). She launched The Breastfeeding Center of Orange County in 2019 and has quickly become an invaluable resource to families as she supports their breast/chestfeeding journey and challenges.

Leora completed her lactation consultant training and certification at The University of California, San Diego. She also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Child and Adolescent Development from California State University, Fullerton. Her educational focus on infancy, childhood, adolescence and motherhood affords Leora the unique advantage of understanding human development across many stages of life.


Leora Robles

Hila Bahari

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Mama Guide is a platform that connects and help mothers all around the world.

Any information provided here may not be construed as medical or health advice to any person about a particular medical matter and should not be relied upon as the basis for taking a particular action or refraining from taking a particular action in any personal matter. If you want or need further advice about a particular matter, please consult with your physician or medical specialist. 

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