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Hey There!

I'm Hila.

A mama of 2 precious and super active toddlers and an adorable fur baby. After having my first child in 2018 I started MamaGuide, a creative outlet to help new mothers transition into motherhood. I quickly learned that adapting to motherhood and the wealth of advice that came along with it, was not one size fits all. This made me want to create a platform that could connect and help mothers around the world.


As mamas, we all have different experiences and knowledge when it comes to keeping our little ones and ourselves in good shape. My goal is to inspire, educate, and support new moms by providing resources, tips, and most importantly, my first hand experience.

Follow us on Instagram to keep up with our daily posts, tips, recommendations and so much more!

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Mama Guide is a platform that connects and help mothers all around the world.

Any information provided here may not be construed as medical or health advice to any person about a particular medical matter and should not be relied upon as the basis for taking a particular action or refraining from taking a particular action in any personal matter. If you want or need further advice about a particular matter, please consult with your physician or medical specialist. 

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